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Message from the Youth Director

Dearly Beloved,

Happy New Year and welcome to a new season for you and us.

I am deeply moved and profoundly gratitude for the overwhelming love and support encapsulated in your congratulatory messages upon the announcement of my appointment as the fifth Director of Youth Affairs of Christ Apostolic Church, Nigeria and Overseas. Your kind words and prayers are testaments to the unity and love that bind us as a family of faith.

I humbly appreciate the leadership of the Church for this sacred opportunity to serve the Lord and contribute to the vision of our great mission under the visionary leadership of our father, the President, Pastor S.O. Oladele. This appointment is not merely a title but a solemn trust to steward the lives and destinies of the youth, nurturing them in the way of the Lord and equipping them for God’s purpose.

I am mindful of the weight of this responsibility and the high expectations it carries. However, as the Scriptures affirm, “Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think anything as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God” (2 Corinthians 3:5). I lean entirely on His grace, trusting that He will work in us, with us, through us, and for us to accomplish His good pleasure and purpose.

I earnestly covet your support and prayers that the Holy Spirit will grant wisdom, strength, resources, and divine guidance to lead the Youth Fellowship to greater heights of spiritual vibrancy, relevance, and impact.

At this point, I deeply appreciate the solid foundation laid for the Youth Fellowship by the past officers and directors. I also commend the legacy of my immediate predecessor, Pastor S. O. Gbuyiro, a wise builder and leader, and all those who worked alongside him to preserve and strengthen this foundation. Together, we will continue to appreciate and build upon the solid foundation laid by this great team, as we trust God for a mighty move this season.

Indeed, I am convinced that by the Spirit of God, the labour of our leaders has brought us to the threshold of the fulfilment of the long-awaited revival. Brethren, we are at Gilgal, moving from prophecy to possession. At this strategic moment, it is not the time to quench the fire but a time for realignment, re-engaging the Apostolic covenant, and kingdom advancement. Gilgal is not just a physical location, it is a place of transformation. It is a season where like Joshua, we must experience the move of God in greater measure. This is not a time for complacency but a divine moment for continued spiritual awakening, where we realign our hearts, minds, and actions with God’s purposes.

At Gilgal, we are called to re-engage the Apostolic covenant, embracing the mandate to walk in holiness, obedience, faith and higher consecration for the supernatural move of God. At Gilgal, we are empowered to press forward in Kingdom advancement, taking territories for Christ, manifesting His will on earth, and expanding His influence in every sphere of life as salt and light.

Let us rise with a sense of urgency and commitment, recognising that this is a pivotal moment in our journey.

By the power of the Holy Spirit, we have received a continued mandate to raise Kings and Priests for our God for kingdom advancement in the hearts of men and in earth (Rev. 5:10, Matt. 6:10), that Jesus Christ may be revealed and God glorified.

We believe God shall raise Kingdom Apostolic Youths from Nigeria to the whole of Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, South America, Oceania, and Antarctica, completing our mission to advance God’s Kingdom to the ends of the earth.
This, we trust the Lord to achieve through these five (5) carnal agenda (CHESS):

  1. Consolidating CACYOF Structures, Systems and Monitoring Progress
  2. Holistic Discipleship and Impact-Driven Programmes
  3. Empowerment through Human Capacity Development
  4. Strengthening Campus Fellowships and Enhancing Infrastructures
  5. Strategic Evangelism and Church Planting for Church Growth

We seek the unwavering support of our fathers in the Lord, the regional youth coordinators, the youth leaders at all levels, the Apostolic Youths and the strong bonds of our diasporan Christ Apostolic Youths and the lovers of Christ Apostolic Church.

I look forward to your prayers, godly counsels, partnerships, and support as we embark on this noble journey together. Let us trust God for a remarkable transformation in the lives of our youth and the church at large.

Thank you once again. May the Lord bless you richly, always, and in all ways.


I come in the name of the Lord,

Pastor Peter Olanrewaju

Hymn 825

  1. Christ, our mighty Captain, leads against the foe
    We will never falter, when he bids us go;
    Tho’ His righteous purpose we may never know,
    Yet we’ll follow all the way.

Forward! Forward! ’tis the
Lords command,
Forward! forward to the
promise land;
Forward! Forward! Let the
chorus ring
We are sure to win with Christ
our king.

  1. Satan’s fearful onslaughts cannot make us yield
    While we trust in Christ, our
    Buckler and our shield
    Pressing ever on the spirit’s sword we wield,
    And we follow all the way.
  2. Let our glorious banner ever be unfurled
    From its mighty stronghold evil shall be hurled;
    Christ, our mighty Captain, over comes the world,
    And we follow all the way.
  3. Fierce the battle rages, but ’twill not be long,
    Then triumphant shall we join the blessed throng,
    Joyfully uniting in the victor’s song
    If we follow all the way.

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