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Kingdom Exploit, A Must on Campus


A Christian Life is continually transformed as the mind is renewed by The Word of God (Rom 12:2) this gives birth to more insight to who God is and who we are in Him and by that we are effortlessly doing exploits and scaling heights. In Act 5:20 we read about proclaiming the word of life within which is the answer to all life problems; resident in it is the antidote for sin and the diseases that has ravaged our world. It simple addresses all the issues of life even on our campuses. it is the only volume for kingdom Exploit. the treasure in this book are unmatchable and cannot be find in the land of the living. (Job 28:7-28).


The moon has no light of its own, all it does is to align to the sun, thereby reflecting the light of the sun that is where it’s glory comes from. The moon generates no heat; the sun generates all the heat but the moon simply reflects the glory. Malachi 4:2 speaks of the sun of righteousness which we understand to be Jesus Christ. So, when our life is aligned correctly to the Him, we begin to reflect His glory from one degree to anther as we ourselves are being transformed (II Cor 3:18) This is exploit.

Exploit simply means accomplishing outstanding feats, generating global impact after the order of Christ; setting the pace and blazing the truth in our endeavors. Kingdom Exploit in the same vein is all about accomplishing things eyes have not seen, ears have not heard nor enter the hearts of men. 1 Cor 2:9 Note: Every Christians belongs to this generation.


Dan 11: 32 “And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits”.

From our principal text above, we can see two categories of people, namely:

  • Those that do wickedly against the covenant
  • Those who know their God

The campus is a ground where both categories thrive, we have seen corruption at its height on campuses among students and staffs alike and we have also seen over the years, vibrant and fire brand believers who stood by the gate of their campuses and shook it until the will of God found expression just like Daniel did in the University of Babylon.

Let’s first note that the campus system is supposed to be a system of all-inclusive learning and transfer of knowledge chief among which is the knowledge of God before the devil high jacked it through the hands of careless men who can’t relate with God’s agenda properly.

So all genuine believers on campus must see the campus as their rightful place and must be restored to a ground of holiness and where Godly intellectual transaction can take place.

To properly position ourselves for kingdom exploit on our campuses we shall focus on the following salient matters:


You cannot enforce what you are not. God investment in any man’s life is His nature Col 3:10-11.

Any Christian students who wants to stand for Christ on campus and do exploits must first look within and re-examine his or her own identity. Have you taken God serious enough for you recommend Him to others? we must have our mind renewed bearing Christ mind in us daily. Eph 4:22 -24 That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.

The first personal spiritual growth is the Victory over the flesh. For spiritual growth to be a means of accomplishing the kingdom Exploit on Earth, daily dying to the earthly nature must be our priority and for us to have lasting revival and deliverance, we must daily die to the flesh. Luke 9:23. Exploit is a dimension of grace which fosters God’s ability in man towards the accomplishment of an extraordinary result. Everyone desires to make Exploit and become a voice in his or her generation, but not many can pay the price that is required. What is the price required? It is a total surrender to God’s will and motivated by a personal hunger and longing for him. So, here is the challenge to every Christian student, what is the nature of your personal pursuit of God? As it become cold by the cool things of campus or still hot with coals of the secret place?

Then again, do you actually believe God can use you for the revival of your campus? Jesus Christ made a statement in John 14:12 He said, “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father”.

God has faith in us but we are constantly failing to have faith in Him. Don’t think yourself to be too young to something serious for God in your campus. If Daniel was a faithless man whose believe in the God of Israel is just based on casual profession of the words of the law, he would have had many reasons to not stand up for God as he did. He was a slave, a stranger, a young man. That sounds like good enough reasons to do what others are doing so as not to call attention unto himself. But No! He stood out.

Daniel proposed in His heart! (Dan 1:8) That is something personal.

He believed in the ways of the God of Israel and therefore he proposed. Some of us believe in Christ but not enough to propose. When it comes to standing out we draw back and yet we believe, such a casual believe cannot do exploits.


Rom 1:16-17: For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.

The Gospel is the means for campus evangelism, if you have the Gospel be rest assured that you are in possession of God Power, every single word of the Gospel is pregnant with God power. the indication that God is interested in a life, nation, people is through the Gospel. please note it is the Gospel that can transform, change and bring development. Every believer student on campus must be equipped with the true Gospel of Christ. when you have the genuine Gospel of Christ as put forth by Christ Himself first expressed in your life and then faithfully preached as exemplified by the apostle, you have the power of God in your possession, will you keep still with such a fire in your bosom?


Engaging campus transformation through God’s power is not all about magnitude without direction, there are strategies involved in efficiently taking over a land or a place for the Lord. We saw in Acts 17, how Paul introduced the gospel to the people of Ephesus who are preoccupied with all manner of idolatries and philosophy. It is simply amazing how God’s wisdom can flow so effortlessly through a man like Paul who was totally yielded to Him.

Being on campus is already a strategic placement. Christian students must understand the place of their course of study in God’s purpose for their life, understand why God has placed them in that classroom, department, faculty or school. So can see Gods hand leading them and granting them opening among their class and course mates. When these things are unknown, we miss golden opportunities that would have been a breaking ground for revival.

Academic Excellence is another strategy that allows us access to members of the campuses whether as students or staffs. No body disregard or keeps quiet one of the best student in the class or the overall best student in the school. A believer without doubt is supposed to be at the upper tier of high performing students in the school, that already is a platform to proclaim God and reach out to others about Him. Believers should pursue also academic excellence as a means to proclaim Jesus.

Associations: one of the greatest need of every youngster is the need for association, every student on campus loves to belong to one group or another. Believers must cease this advantage to relate with their class mates and school mates to take them over for the Lord. Do not run away from school politics or leadership roles that could have given you a platform for exploit. As the Holy Spirit is beckoning on your heart to get involved, don’t hesitate.

The Lord instructed Philip to join himself to cart that was carrying the Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8:29-30). He obeyed immediately and by his yielded life to God he was able to do an exploit even right there in the bush. How much more in a campus environment full of young people whom we easily have access to.


We understand from scriptures that, everyone born of God is destined for a life of exploits and extraordinary accomplishments. We must understand that living a life of exploits is not the exclusive right of some individuals. We don’t have to be white to experience it as our skin colour is irrelevant to our breakthroughs in life. As long as we are children of God, we are candidates for supernatural exploits! The scripture gives a graphic picture of our glorious destiny in Daniel 11:32: “…But the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits”. Moreover, we have an extraordinary Father, and as such we are ordained for extraordinary accomplishments. There is no end to Exploit until we stop pressing (Phil 3:14). Nothing of value is free, we must endeavor to earn the future we look forward to (1 Cor 9:24) Essentially, we live in a world of times and seasons; our understanding of the times is what keeps us in command (Ecclesiastics 3:1-11; 1 Chronicles 12:32). We also discover from scriptures that extraordinary exploit is God’s agenda for His people in these end-times, which implies that today, we are in the era of exploits and global impacts in the body of Christ (Isaiah2:1-3; Act 2:17).

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